Can I Change the Shape and Size of My Teeth?

Smile design is a dental procedure that artistically creates smiles with harmony, aesthetics, and function. Smile designs can work wonders to fully restore your dental health and appearance, regardless of the original state of your natural teeth.

Perhaps you have very long tusks or front teeth that look too small. Perhaps one tooth looks rounder than the other. In the end, what you perceive is that they are not consistent in shape, contour or size. Even, a single tooth that is not the correct shape, can completely alter the appearance of your smile.

So you may be asking yourself the following: is it possible to change the shape and size of the teeth?

You will be pleased to know that the answer is yes! At DENTAL VIP we understand that proportionality and symmetry are two of the most important aspects in Cosmetic Dentistry. Here are some of the ways we can change the appearance of your teeth:

Ceramic or Porcelain Crowns

A dental crown is the most drastic or invasive way to redesign the shape of a tooth. To make a crown, the Specialist must abrade the outer surface of the tooth (cut the tooth stump) and then cover it with an artificial cap made of a ceramic material.

Crowns provide strength, beauty and resistance. They are ideal for teeth destroyed by cavities or fractures. They are also used to coat conical or malformed teeth. Although they are not necessarily a cosmetic treatment, ceramic crowns are the ideal solution if the patient does not qualify for something more conservative like veneers.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are much thinner and less extensive than crowns. They do not cover the entire tooth, but only its front part; to modify its shape, color and size. Rather than having a primarily functional or restorative purpose, veneers are indicated mainly for cosmetic reasons, on healthy teeth or with little loss of structure.

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that replace the outer layer of the enamel of the teeth. After your teeth have been slightly worn, our Dental Esthetics Specialist will take an impression and design custom veneers with the help of the dental technician.

The treatment plan can include one or more veneers. In most cases, we recommend at least six in the upper front teeth, so that the results look consistent and the change is truly satisfactory. Some people need up to 10 veneers or more, it all depends on their particular expectations.

Both veneers and dental crowns typically take two or three appointments to complete, as permanent restorations are performed by an expert laboratory technician in dental aesthetics. However, while we will place temporary restorations on your prepared teeth, so as not to compromise their appearance and avoid sensitivity problems; during the period of elaboration of the permanent versions.

Resin or Composite Veneers

To improve the smile instantly and in a single session, composite veneers are of great help.

Cosmetic dental bonding is when the Specialist carefully adds and molds a tooth-colored filling material (composite) onto the dental surface, to enhance its look or appearance. This procedure is ideal for closing small gaps between teeth, repairing chipped edges, or even, covering defects and irregularities on smooth surfaces. The process is quick and in the vast majority of cases does not require anesthesia. A bonding or adhesive reconstruction procedure takes less than half an hour per tooth to complete.

Bonding repairs the edges and imperfections on the tooth surface, which is why it is not as complete and durable solution as veneers or ceramic crowns. However, they can provide an excellent service for specific situations or for those who cannot afford the costs of more permanent restorations.

Aesthetic Recontouring

Is it possible to change the shape and size of the teeth without sticking anything on them? Yes, that is also a possibility!

We can gently abrade and polish enamel defects to make a tooth better match its neighbors. It does not hurt at all and it only takes a couple of minutes to smooth out the jagged edges and contours. The aesthetic recontouring of the teeth is a fast, safe and very economical procedure.

However, it is a treatment only possible in cases of small imperfections or excess defects, where wear does not compromise the dimensional proportionality of the intervened tooth. In such a case, you would have to go for any of the cosmetic options listed above.

Sometimes the Gum Is the Problem!

Sometimes, the teeth are of good shape, good size, good color, and good alignment; however, they do not look good and the smile is not attractive.

In these cases, the origin of the problem is most likely the gingival tissue or gum. Excess gum can project the appearance that teeth are short, chubby, or very square, even though there is actually nothing wrong with them.

A very common affectation is the gummy smile. The gummy smile is an obvious disproportion between the gums and the teeth. Also called a high smile, it is characterized by the fact that when you smile, the gums look bigger and more visible than the teeth. Its causes can be multiple, but one of the most frequent is the alteration of the passive eruption.

Altered passive eruption develops when the gingival margin is positioned incisally or occlusally on the anatomical crown of the tooth in adulthood, and does not migrate apically to a situation close to the amelocemental limit. In these cases, a simple gingivoplasty will radically change the aspect of your teeth and the appearance of your smile.

Beauty Is Synonymous with Health

All of the Cosmetic Dentistry options listed above are effective, but may differ in terms of cost, durability, and the time it takes to complete the procedure. To determine which is the most appropriate for you, we must evaluate you in consultation to develop a personalized diagnosis.

Improving your smile with Cosmetic Dentistry procedures can also improve your oral health and your overall health.

By investing in the appearance of your smile, you are sure to work hard to care for it. You will purify your diet, avoid foods with a lot of fat and pigments, and safely; brush better and more often. Health is the basis for maintaining beauty!

At DENTAL VIP, we have years of experience selecting the best procedures and materials to transform smiles with digital design techniques, teeth whitening, gum contouring and porcelain veneers; all at very favorable prices and in a very short period of time.

“Digital Smile Design Allows Completely Transforming the Shape, Color and Size of Teeth; Regardless of Its Characteristics or Original Condition”.


How to Save Thousands by Getting Dental Work in Venezuela

On average, dental work in Venezuela is about a third the price of what you are used to paying at home, without a drop in the quality of care. All the process takes is just a little research and a few more logistics. In the “Dental Tourism” category of this same blog we describe all the considerations necessary to get dental care done in Venezuela.

The first thing you want to do is get a quote for the dental work you need done by our team. Most of the time, simply sending a few photos and X-rays to us will do just fine. The online consultation will provide a strong idea of what will need to be done, and will be able to provide you with a pretty close cost estimate for the dental procedures.

Through our WhatsApp or Email you can ask all the necessary questions about the proposed treatment and its details. DENTAL VIP has specially trained personnel for this function.

Once the quote is approved, you must indicate the date of your trip to corroborate the treatment viability in the selected period, ensure your accommodation and proceed with the purchase of air tickets.

Congrats! Now you are on your way to saving thousands by getting dental work in Venezuela.

Dr. José Miguel Gómez Díez

Dentist Specialist in Orthodontics, Clinical Coordinator of DENTAL VIP, Especialidades Odontológicas s.c. and truly passionate about the analysis, discussion, communication and diffusion of scientific information.

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