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With certainty, in Venezuela the placement of Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implants will cost you up to 70% less than what you would have to pay in your country of residence.
Access to a free professional training, the depreciation of the value of private property, the special offers offered by many distributors and dental houses for Latin American Surgeons, low operating costs, exemption from many taxes and the low cost of living in our country; are some of the factors that will allow you to obtain a rehabilitation treatment of the highest quality, for only a fraction of its price in other latitudes.
But of course, and before traveling, it is highly recommended that we know your general health, personal expectations and oral conditions to determine the indication and feasibility of performing all surgical and restorative procedures associated with the placement of Long or Maxillofacial Implants.
For this, it is essential that you send us certain personal information and some basic records to our email address that allow us to diagnose, plan your treatment and guarantee the satisfaction of our service.
As it is a procedure that requires general anesthesia, you will surely have to go to an oral diagnostic center, a clinical laboratory, a radiological center and the office of a Specialist in Internal Medicine or Cardiology in your area. Your family Doctor and your general Dentist will be able to provide you with all the references for the relevant studies. It is important that they are all recent, with a maximum validity of 3 months after their date of issue.
Listed below are the diagnostic resources we need in the vast majority of cases to start the path to your new smile on the right foot:

– List of preoperative records for Maxillofacial Surgery –
1- New Patient Form
Set of basic questions to obtain information and record your personal data, health status and oral conditions.
2- Updated Medical History
A brief report on your general health, issued and certified by your GP or health center. It must manifest the existence of any disease, pathology or systemic state that could condition the execution of surgical interventions (allergies, drug addiction, pregnancy, diabetes, arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and blood clotting disorders; among others), as well as a detailed description of all the medications prescribed to control them.
3- Hemogram
Also known as complete blood count (CBC). Blood is tested for quantity and quality of different blood elements including white cells, red cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit.
4- Coagulation Profile
That includes at least: prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibrinogen, platelet count and the International Normalized Ratio (INR) in those patients who follow an AVK anticoagulant treatment.
5- Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Creatinine Tests
To measure renal function.
6- Glycemia, HIV and VDRL Tests
To rule out diabetes and sexually transmitted diseases.
7- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
To measure the electrical activity of the heartbeat. An ECG can show if your heart is beating at a normal rate and force, and it can also help assess the size and position of the heart chambers. In our opinion, it is essential in cases of general anesthesia, to rule out arrhythmias and other functional pathologies.
8- Chest X-Rays
Posteroanterior and lateral projections to evaluate the state of your lungs, heart and large blood vessels.
9- Medical Evaluation and Surgical Risk Assessment
Essential to determine the viability of the procedure and avoid possible complications associated with general anesthesia, surgery and the postoperative period. Using anamnesis, physical examination, complete blood count, coagulation profile, kidney function tests, blood glucose, HIV, VDRL, ECG, chest X-rays and other complementary tests, if necessary; an Internist or Cardiologist will determine if your general health is compatible with a Maxillofacial Surgery intervention and will issue important recommendations in this regard.
Do not forget to tell the Physician that the placement of Zygomatic Implants is the goal of the surgery.
More information in Surgical Risk Assessment and Preanesthetic Evaluation.
10- Extraoral Digital Photographs
Photographic set containing at least 5 extraoral images: frontal facial at rest, frontal facial with exaggerated smile, right profile, left profile and, very importantly; a front dentogingival-facial image during a normal smile (focusing only on lips, teeth and gums) to assess the degree of maxillary gingival exposure.
More information
11- Intraoral Digital Photographs
Photographic set containing at least 5 intraoral images: anterior or frontal, right buccal, left buccal, maxillary occlusal and mandibular occlusal.
More information
12- Cone Beam Computed Tomography Scan (CBCT)
Three-dimensional (3D) radiological study of the patient’s facial mass to evaluate the degree of alveolar atrophy, the malar bone volume, the length that the Zygomatic Implants should cover and the ideal path for their surgical insertion; among many other considerations.
It is essential that the Cone Beam provides a wide field of vision, allowing a complete assessment of your maxillofacial structure. Please make sure that your Dentist indicates in the reference that the placement of Zygomatic Implants is the purpose of the study.
More information
“Just a Little Planning and the Willingness to Travel for 2-3 Weeks, Is All You Will Need to Make Your Rehabilitation with Zygomatic Implants at Our Clinic Viable“.
Reception of Studies and Protocol
Once the files have been received (in word, pdf, jpg, png or DICOM formats), your case will be immediately subjected to an exhaustive multidisciplinary evaluation by our Team of Specialists to be able to issue a specific treatment proposal as soon as possible, including of course the final budget and the estimated time of execution.
WARNING: it is usually not possible to send 3D studies by email, as they are contained in large files that exceed 25 MB. If you need to send a scan or any other special record, you will need to use tools such as Google Drive or Dropbox that allow you to first store the files in the cloud and then share a link to them by email.
How to Send 3D Dental Studies Over Email
Remember also that our administrative staff can provide support in everything related to air ticket office, airport-hotel-airport transfers and accommodation procedures. Please contact us immediately in case of any queries or additional questions regarding the content of this post.
Is It Possible to Travel and Get Everything Done in Venezuela, Including Exams and X-Rays?
Of course, quickly and without any inconvenience!
However, it is a protocol that we do not recommend, since there will always be the possibility of detecting some surgical contraindication (systemic and/or anatomical) that prevents the treatment from being carried out.
If this were to happen, your journey will have been in vain.
For this reason, it is best to have all the preoperative studies and tests carried out in your country of residence, so that before traveling, we can guarantee in advance the indication and viability of the surgery.
Save Thousands by Getting Dental Work in Venezuela!
On average, dental work in Venezuela is about a third the price of what you are used to paying at home, without a drop in the quality of care. All the process takes is just a little research and a few more logistics. In the “Dental Tourism” category of this same blog we describe all the considerations necessary to get dental care done in Venezuela.
The first thing you want to do is get a quote for the dental work you need done by our team. Most of the time, simply sending a few photos and X-rays to us will do just fine. The online consultation will provide a strong idea of what will need to be done, and will be able to provide you with a pretty close cost estimate for the dental procedures.
Through our WhatsApp or Email you can ask all the necessary questions about the proposed treatment and its details. DENTAL VIP has specially trained personnel for this function.
Once the quote is approved, you must indicate the date of your trip to corroborate the treatment viability in the selected period, ensure your accommodation and proceed with the purchase of air tickets.
Congrats! Now you are on your way to saving thousands by getting dental work in Venezuela.