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Scientists and spiritual teachers alike agree that the simple act of smiling can transform you and the world around you. Current research (and common sense) shows us that a smile is contagious and it can make us appear more attractive to others. In addition, it lifts our mood, as well as the moods of those around us. And it can even lengthen our lives.
So before you read on, slap a nice, genuine smile on that face of yours. You will thank us later!
Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.
You are actually better-looking when you smile, and we are not just trying to butter you up. When you smile, people treat you differently. You are viewed as attractive, reliable, relaxed, and sincere. A study published in the Journal Neuropsychologia reported that seeing an attractive, smiling face activates your orbitofrontal cortex, the region in your brain that processes sensory rewards. This suggests that when you view a person smiling, you actually feel rewarded.
Your smile is something that should be worn often, so make it a priority to surround yourself with people, places, and things that brighten your day. Vow to be the positive, happy person in your group of friends. Watch funny movies often, and be sure to look people in the eye and show them your pearly whites. The world is simply a better place when you smile.
Let us see how to do it!
Smiling Tip #1 – Start Smiling
Practice makes perfect… which applies to most things in life. Smiling is no exception.
Learn be more conscious about your smile, and whether you are actually smiling around people. Are you aware of it when attending family reunions, or when you see an old friend at a restaurant? There is a chance you are not exactly projecting a real smile, even though you feel good at the moment.
Then you will eventually want to practice smiling when seeing strangers. They could be neighbors you see jogging past you on the street. Or the guy delivering your morning paper. Learn to get out of your comfort zone and smile a little wider while greeting them. You will be surprised how good it makes people feel; including yourself.
Smiling Tip #2 – Step Up Your Dental Hygiene
First, it all comes down to the rules you have been taught as a kid. Brush 2-3 times a day, floss once a day and use mouthwash.
If you tend to skip those once in a while, just do not. You owe it to yourself (and your smile) to make cleaning your teeth a permanent habit. The biggest enemies of your mouth are plaque buildup and gingivitis, which lead to gum disease, and then the demise of your pearly whites.
Visit your Dentist regularly and undergo regular professional dental cleaning and polishing, to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. If you want a smile that captivates and makes you stand out, you have got to put in the time and money for teeth cleaning. You also want your Dentist to provide sealants for the teeth (or reattach them if they have broken down over time). If you are over 40, it is better to make appointments for more often than twice a year.
Smiling Tip #3 – Consider Whitening Your Teeth
If you drink a lot of coffee, tea or wine, teeth stains are inevitable. Most of us are not bothered by the typical yellowish color of people’s teeth. It looks normal. But you do not necessarily want “normal” when your smile can be fantastic.
Do not waste your time with homemade whitening, they do not work! Go to a good professional in Dental Aesthetics and brighten your smile. The results will be surprising.
Smiling Tip #4 – Always Check Your Teeth
Celebrities check themselves in the mirror every now and then, so there is no shame on persons who do the same. But we are not saying you must carry a small mirror in your pocket wherever you go. There is another tool you have already got; your smartphone camera.
Set the camera to “selfie” mode so you can look at your own face. Show off your teeth to check for any stains or food particles left behind from your last meal.
Use floss picks and carry one in your wallet.
Have you ever spent five minutes in the bathroom before a meeting or interview, to do one final self-inspection? We think that helps because you never know if you need to pluck away unwanted stuff from your mouth. That is why we love floss picks. They are portable, user-friendly, and you can buy them in packs of 75 to 100 pieces for very little money at local drugstores. A floss pick (plus tissue paper) always comes in handy whenever you go out to eat.
Smiling Tip #5 – Use Lip Balms
A great smile involves more than just clean white teeth. Your lips play a part, since you will not enjoy smiling while feeling the pain of cracked, dry lips. That is when a good lip balm comes in to save the day.
You can buy lip balms or chapsticks in packs. So make it a point to leave one in all practical areas: your travel bag or dopp kit, the glove compartment of your car, your office desk, etc. Remember that smiling with chapped lips is like ordering a pizza with a crust filled with holes and creases. It might taste normal, but it is not presentable and you would not appreciate it.
Smiling Tip #6 – Learn to Smize (Using Your Eyes)
Let us get into the science of smiling. When kids first learn how to smile, they do it in a mechanical way. It involves contracting the zygomatic major. The result is the kind of smile that customer service reps have when you are next in line, the smile used for IDs at school or the smile used by morning news anchors. It is not natural or genuine.
What you actually want is a Duchenne smile. This smile is named after a French Neurologist who did studies on human facial muscles during the 19th century. Duchenne had discovered a type of smile which involves both the zygomatic major and orbicularis oculi (muscles around the eyes). A combination of eye and mouth movement, that is what generates an attractive smile.
But a Duchenne smile is not as simple as it sounds. You do not just choose to smile and then add some squint. You also need the outer parts of your eye muscles, because those will shape your eyes in a way that reflects a sincere smile. It is like slightly squinting to “form small pillows beneath the eyes” or as Tyra Banks put it: smizing (smiling with your eyes).
Smizing takes practice. But take note that on the occasion itself, you can try closing your eyes for a few seconds before re-opening them. This helps relax the muscles surrounding your eyes and you will be less likely to show a forced smile.
Smiling Tip #7 – Think of What Makes You Smile
You have learned about the physical aspect of smiling. But there is a mental side of it that should not be underestimated. Why?, because thoughts and emotions have a major impact on the body, particularly on the eyes and the face.
That explains why people are moved when they see an athlete win a gold medal. His mouth is relaxed and curved upward, his eyes are shaped like half-moons, the face is lit up; and you cannot help but feel happy for his happiness. That is what your smile should do (although not as moving as a winning athlete’s).
No matter who you are, there is something you can think of that leads to a sincere smile. Your family, your friends, a funny joke that was passed around at work the other day, etc. Remember things like your college graduation, or a fun weekend at Disneyland back when you a little kid, for example. This is about you and your happiest memories, nobody can take those away.
Smiling Tip #8 – Build Your Confidence
Confidence is knowing who you are, what you stand for, and owning it. It helps you smile without doubts or hesitations. And as long as it is not overdone, you can bet it is a pretty attractive smile.
Here is the misconception about confidence: either you have or do not have it. Not necessarily. Some people naturally exude confidence when they need to, but that does not mean that they are the most self-confident beings.
You can adapt power poses to increase your confidence before an occasion. Make simple changes to the position of your arms and legs before you show up to a meeting, a party or a first date. These poses induce feel-good hormones that will ease you into a friendly, confident, and self-assured mindset.
Smiling Tip #9 – Take Selfies
We live in a time where smartphone cameras exist and selfies are popular. But that does not mean you must open an Instagram to share smiling photos of yourself. All you want is to use the camera to keep track of how you smile.
Take a selfie today, take another tomorrow. Start with your normal smile (do not consciously change it whatsoever) and then practice going a little wider after 2-3 selfies.
Understand what angles work for you so that whenever you take group photos, you feel more confident and your smile will stand out. The goal is to smile slightly more than you think you should. (Note: be careful that you are only showing the middle six teeth on the top row and none of the bottom row).
“The Genuine Smile, Also Called the Duchenne Smile, Is One that Appears on the Face in a Spontaneous, Sincere and Natural Way. Undoubtedly It Is an Expressive Sign of Well-Being that Encourages Sociability and Favors Communication Between People”.
Smiling Tip #10 – Consider Going to a Specialist in Dental Aesthetics
This one is not required (as not everyone has the means for it). But for those who can afford it, why not? Imagine never having to smile halfway or hide some of your teeth ever again…
You should view teeth fixing like you are investing in your teeth. Whether it is having them straightened or getting dental veneers, the real motivation should be smiling as well as you can. It is not about looking perfect or blending in with Hollywood stars.
From an objective standpoint, straight, white, healthy and beautiful teeth make for a more attractive smile. Most people agree with that, plain and simple. So do not feel shallow about the idea of consulting a Dental Specialist for your teeth.
At the end of the day, a genuine smile is attractive and contagious. It is a smile you cannot fake or exaggerate (although you can start with forcing a smile to loosen up the facial muscles). It is somewhere between the messages “I am glad to be here” and “I am stoked to be here”. Practice enough and you will learn to smile that way when you encounter anyone or someone special for you.
Are You Facing an Unaffordable Quote for Dental Treatment that Keeps You from Smiling?
Are you thinking of getting Cosmetic Dentistry or Dental Implants in Venezuela? The rising cost of dental care in many countries is driving the Dental Tourism movement as people seek more affordable dental work abroad. If you are facing an unaffordable quote for dental treatment in your home country, DENTAL VIP could be a much cheaper alternative with savings of 60% or more.
Every year thousands of international patients visit Caracas to take advantage of high quality healthcare at affordable prices. Dental procedures in Venezuela are on par with treatment provided in any “developed” country of the world. The cost, however, is significantly less.
At DENTAL VIP we offer a wide range of world class dental treatments such as Dental Implants, Crowns and Bridges, Smile Design, Dental Veneers, Oral Surgery and Zygomatic Implants; among others.
Furthermore, we are available to assist you with transfer and accommodation options while visiting Caracas for dental care. Contact us today and leave smiling from Venezuela!