When exploring dental implants there are a number of factors to bear in mind, particularly if you have experienced bone loss. Why? because regardless of technique dental implants require healthy bone.
This is not an issue if a patient is in good oral health and has sufficient bone to support implants; however, those with severe bone loss in the upper jaw may need an advanced option: Zygomatic and Pterygoid (long) Implants.
Traditional dental implants involve drilling directly into the upper jaw bone, which often requires a bone grafting procedure to ensure proper implant placement. Unfortunately, for those with severe bone loss in the upper jaw, such bone grafting techniques may not be suitable.
Long implants, however, offer an alternative. Instead of using the upper jaw bone as an implant anchor, Zygoma and Pterygoid Implants take advantage of the neighboring healthy cheek bone (zygomatic and sphenoids bones). Longer in size than conventional dental implants, these implants are designed to provide a secure foundation in situations where traditional dental implants may not be possible.
What Are the Benefits of Using Long Implants?
The use of this type of implants is an excellent alternative in the treatment of toothed and low bone-mass patients in the maxillary area. For patients it is a radical change in their life, which makes it possible to place a superior fixed prosthesis, replacing the total removable prostheses, shortly after surgery. They also have fixed teeth again, with all the advantages of self-esteem and all the comfort that that entails.
Beyond giving patients with severe bone loss a viable implant option, Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implants have a number of advantages over traditional dental implants. These include:
Immediate Function
Long implants are a “graft-less” procedure which expedites the entire experience allowing patients to leave with immediate aesthetic and functional improvements. When bone grafting is needed, patients may be required to wait up to 12 months for complete healing to occur, before restorations can be placed. This is not necessary with Zygoma and Pterygoid Implants, as temporary restorations and implants can be put in place during the same appointment; or at most, in 2 or 3 days.
Faster Recovery
Because the overall process is shorter, patients require fewer visits than are necessary with traditional implant treatments. In addition, they are able to return to work and resume normal routines faster, because healing time is significantly shorter.
Improved Bone Strength
Long dental implants are made of titanium which stimulates the surrounding bone to develop new bone structure via a process known as osseointegration, exactly the same as with conventional implants. But in addition, they provide a strong additional mechanical anchorage to bone structures much more compact and resistant to resorption than the jaws. Not only does this help to secure the implant, it also strengthens the surrounding bone.
Minimally Invasive
Unlike traditional implant techniques, that require invasive bone grafting, Zygomatic Implants use 3D scanning for accuracy, and are generally performed under general anesthesia.
In addition, with this type of implants it is not necessary to make wounds and operations in other parts of the body to extract the bone blocks that are grafted into the jaws.
Better Long-Term Forecast
By being anchored to the facial bones, these implants are much safer and more predictable than conventional implants. The zygomatic and sphenoid bones are much more compact and less porous than the upper jaw. With long implants, the success rate approaches 100% of cases.
Good Aesthetics
Although the implants remain under the gum and are not visible, they are solid supports for the fabrication of any type of fixed prosthesis. When all the teeth are missing or the atrophy of the maxilla is severe, the most common is to place hybrid metal-acrylic prostheses to reestablish the person’s facial fullness; however, porcelain restorations are perfectly compatible with this type of implants.
Am I a Candidate for Zygomatic or Pterygoid Implants?
Long implants may be an option if you have previously been told you do not have enough bone for traditional dental implants. Though the thought of anchoring implants to your facial bones may be off-putting, the use of long implants reduces overall treatment time and is much less invasive than other dental treatments, making it a great option for those with severe upper jaw bone loss.
“Because They Are Anchored to the Facial Bones, Long Implants Are Much More Stable and Predictable Than Conventional Implants”.
Is the Placement of These Implants Complicated?
Titanium Zygomatic Implants are fixed to the malar bone, the arch under the eye in a very simple surgery of about 30 minutes (per device) that is always performed under general anesthesia so that the patient is comfortable and feel nothing during the procedure.
If the patient wishes and the case does not contraindicate it, he or she may have the provisional crowns or dental covers on implants placed in less than 3 days.
How to Save Thousands by Getting Dental Work in Venezuela
On average, dental work in Venezuela is about a third the price of what you are used to paying at home, without a drop in the quality of care. All the process takes is just a little research and a few more logistics. In the “Dental Tourism” category of this same blog we describe all the considerations necessary to get dental care done in Venezuela.
The first thing you want to do is get a quote for the dental work you need done by our Team. Most of the time, simply sending a few photos and X-rays to us will do just fine. The online consultation will provide a strong idea of what will need to be done, and will be able to provide you with a pretty close cost estimate for the dental procedures.
Through our WhatsApp or Email you can ask all the necessary questions about the proposed treatment and its details. DENTAL VIP has specially trained personnel for this function.
Once the quote is approved, you must indicate the date of your trip to corroborate the treatment viability in the selected period, ensure your accommodation and proceed with the purchase of air tickets.
Congrats! now you are on your way to saving thousands by getting dental work in Venezuela.