Table of Contents
The so-called orofacial harmonization is a new trend in Dentistry, recognized even as a specialty in some countries, which is related to a set of therapeutic and aesthetic procedures that ultimately aim to aesthetically and functionally harmonize teeth, gums, lips and face of the patient.
These procedures focus on the physiognomy, muscles and facial tissues, and to our knowledge, they represent a complement to Aesthetic Dentistry that now tries to integrate a series of medical techniques that immediately satisfy the requirements of beauty and functionality of the face, obtaining as resulted in a better balance in the patient’s facial appearance.
The treatment is mainly based on the use of minimally invasive (non-surgical) infiltration techniques, carried out by general Dentists who seek to restore facial tissues through the application of some procedures that have hitherto been exclusive to another profession and historically restricted, from the ethical and legal point of view, for ours.
How Is this Specialty Different from the Work Traditionally Performed by Plastic Surgeons and Cosmetic Dermatologists?
The truth, in little or nothing.
Although we highly respect the validity of the concept of macro-aesthetics and the opinion of other colleagues, we consider that no one better than a Plastic Surgeon, a Dermatologist, or at least a Maxillofacial Surgeon with true anatomical mastery of the area, to apply these treatments; of course, always taking into account our professional criteria and aesthetic perception of the case. We believe that the true evolution of our profession consists of contributing our knowledge and being part of a multidisciplinary team.
As Dentists we know that infiltration techniques are relatively simple and easy to learn, but we also know that their potential complications are dangerous and difficult to resolve, even with the potential for permanent damage. At DENTAL VIP, we always prefer to delegate the clinical execution of these treatments to the best-trained and most experienced professionals.
If you still have any doubts, do an online search and you will see that in the vast majority of courses and conferences that are given on the subject for Dentists, it is always a Plastic Surgeon, a Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine or a Dermatologist who is the star of the function. There must be a reason!
Applications of Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine in Dentistry
Some of the techniques of these medical specialties (mainly the application of botulinum toxin) have important indications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and include the treatment of certain pathologies such as facial, oromandibular and cervical dystonias (permanent involuntary contractions of the muscles); hemifacial spasm, treatment of torticollis, treatment of masseterine hypertrophy, treatment of pathologies of the temporomandibular joint, masticatory myalgias, recurrent dislocation of the jaw, bruxism or dental clenching, treatment of tension headaches (migraines) and treatment of some autonomic nervous system disorders to modulate salivation and sweating.
However, the aesthetic improvement of the face as a complement to a smile design or an oral rehabilitation procedure, is the most frequent indication in Dentistry for the application of botox, filler materials, bioliftings, tension threads, biostimulatory substances and recombinant enzymes.
With them it is possible to eliminate, or at least mimic (without the need for surgery); wrinkles, scars, surgical defects and excess fat, shape and rejuvenate the skin of the forehead, cheekbones, nose and chin, improve lip contour, correct eye bags, facial asymmetries and the unpleasant gingival smile (that one that exposes more gum than teeth).
Materials for Direct Infiltrations
Because there are currently a wide variety of injectable materials, it can be quite difficult for novices to decide which and in which case to use each one of them. They usually consist of purified dermal components from human, animal, bacterial or synthetic sources; but in order not to overstate the length of this post, we will only focus our attention on the aesthetic properties of the most widely used biomaterials today.
However, it is very important to know that they are all biodegradable substances that are metabolized by the body, and therefore have a limited life. Neither offers a permanent solution!
1- Botulinum Toxin (Botox)
Botulinum toxin, better known as botox (the commercial brand of the first drug of its type to be marketed), is a neurotoxin made by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. However, its ability to produce muscle paralysis is exploited to use it for medical purposes in the treatment of certain neurological diseases and in Aesthetic Medicine, which is why it is best known.
The technique consists of infiltrating the muscle whit the toxin in the area to be treated with an extra-fine needle, causing relaxation and inhibiting movement. By paralyzing the facial muscles, the movements that cause wrinkles, such as those around the eyes or between the eyebrows, are not performed. Hence it is injected in small doses where there are wrinkles, to eliminate or attenuate them, and prevent the appearance of new lines of expression. It is not a material that fills wrinkles, so it does not eliminate them by adding volume, but it acts on the muscles of the face and relaxes them. It works by restoring smoothness and luminosity, with a natural expression.
Unlike botox, all of the materials listed below are considered filler materials (derma fills).
2- Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is a substance made up of chains of complex carbohydrates that are normally found within our cells; mainly those of the skin, eye, synovial fluid and skeletal tissue. This acid has a positive effect on aging, since due to its ability to retain water, it is responsible for maintaining the skin’s humidity levels, counteracting the formation of wrinkles.
Injectable hyaluronic acid gels (extracted mainly from bacteria, the crest of roosters, the umbilical cord and the fins of sharks) are applied to fill and reduce static wrinkles, to model cheeks, correct facial line and lips shape, to improve elasticity and hydration of facial, hand and neckline skin. This substance has no species specificity and theoretically does not pose any risk of allergy, therefore, its application in Aesthetic Medicine is safe and effective.
In addition, the techniques of wrinkle filling together with the injection of botulinum toxin give a significant anti-aging effect of appearance of the face skin without surgical treatment.
3- Collagen Biostimulators
Unlike hyaluronic acid, these fillers have no immediate effect, and you have to wait at least two months to appreciate the results. These substances stimulate the formation of collagen, that is, they have a double action; they give volume and by forming collagen, they provide a greater number of cells that also fill in the defects. Their main benefit is that they provide a longer duration than botox and hyaluronic acid.
Special features of each of these fillers:
- Calcium Hydroxyapatite (Radiesse®) It lasts for about a year and in addition to its volume effect, it generates the formation of collagen, producing a tightening effect. Fan deposits are usually made with the help of a cannula. The entry points will coincide with areas where sagging needs to be reduced.
- Polycaprolactone (Ellansé™) Its duration can be adjusted between 1 and 3 years, depending on the size of the polycaprolactone molecule. It is injected very well and very natural results are achieved with the “anchor buttons” technique.
- Beta-Phosphate Tricalcium (Atlean®) It lasts 12 months, but it is not indicated to eliminate wrinkles, but sagging. Retracts the skin and does not fill like hyaluronic acid.
- Polylactic Acid (Sculptra®) It lasts 18 months, but the product must be prepared one day before treatment. It has an additional disadvantage, which is that it crystallizes and is difficult to manipulate. It cannot get too fast or too slow, we have to learn and get the point. The effect is more plastic, but is not noticeable until at least 6 to 8 weeks have passed.
4- Recombinant Enzymes or Proteins
Thanks to the technological development of molecular biology, proteins have been synthesized in organisms where they are not found naturally, and these proteins are known as recombinant proteins. They are biological catalyst molecules that, when administered to the skin, accelerate the speed of the required reaction, hence their great utility, benefits and excellent results:
- Hyaluronidase It helps to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage, in addition to increasing dermal permeability. This, together with its high quality, makes it one of the best and most complete treatments for cellulite and fluid retention.
- Collagenase It is a powerful firming agent, smoothes the skin and relaxes the collagen fibers, visibly reducing orange skin and fibrotic and edematous cellulite.
- Lipase Effectively reduces and digests localized fat, without destroying cells, making it highly safe and far superior to any fat burner.
Also known as lipotransference, fat grafting or fat transfer, it is an autologous treatment (the same person is a donor and a recipient) that works very well. The fat deposits that may be installed on the hips, abdomen, flanks and side butts; are used to fill in wrinkles and facial depressions.
It is a safe, painless and non-invasive cosmetic procedure that helps tone, lift and firm sagging facial muscles back to its original position and shape. It basically consists in a facial sculpture technique based on the usage of professional injectable products, electrical stimulation or radiofrequency.
Biolifting infiltration techniques are based on the injection of any of the products described above, or of multiple combinations thereof.
In other cases, the Doctors use radiofrecuency or a mild electrical current, called micro current, which closely resembles the electrical current the body generates on its own. It is very slight and generally sub-sensory, but when applied to the injured or damaged area it restores electrical flow, and therefore, stimulates healing.
The goal of all this treatments is to activate a process of biological cellular rejuvenation, by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. The results are visible from the first moment, although a cycle of personalized treatments, together with the teaching of care at home, are necessary to obtain stable and long-lasting results.
In most cases one can regain the facial appearance lost over the years without using invasive methods. It is effective on different skin types and at any age. The number of sessions and the type of treatment varies according to skin conditions.
Thread Lift
The implantation of resorbable mini-threads or tension wires at subcutaneous level improves and stimulates the reticular tissue firmness that unites the skin and muscle responsible for flaccidity. Therefore, they provide better skin support and the desired rejuvenating effect.
The tensile threads act generating fibrosis around them by the formation of type I and III collagen. The maximum voltage is observed approximately at the 3 months. Although the body reabsorbs the threads in a period of 6 to 8 months, the accumulated collagen provides a prolonged tightening effect.
Facial Mesotherapy
Facial mesotherapy is a treatment that is applied through microinjections very superficial for the prevention of aging facial and also to improve wrinkles and flaccidity, and for purpose the global revitalization of the complexion of the face.
The treatment consists of dermal micro-punctures to introduce stem cells, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), vitamins, minerals, anti-free radicals and percutaneous collagen inducers.
“Although in Some Countries Dentists Can Legally Apply Facial and Aesthetic Treatments, Our Best Advice Is to Put Yourself in the Hands of a Better Trained Medical Specialist”.
Surgical Resources
Although the essence of the topic of the post that concerns us is directly related to the practice of conservative and non-invasive techniques for the aesthetic treatment of the face, we must not overlook its limitations, and we consider it appropriate to make a brief reference of the surgical alternatives, many times essential in less favorable cases or with anatomic base defects.
1- Bichectomy
The bichectomy or removal of the fat pads is a facial aesthetic procedure that consists of removing the fat bags of Bichat, which are located in two anatomical compartments within the cheeks.
Bichectomy is a fairly quick and simple oral surgery, recommended for those people who, despite diets and exercises, still project a round-faced appearance, which makes them appear fatter. Once the bags are removed, the postsurgical inflammation can last for 3 to 6 months, but once it disappears, the face appears more elongated and defined, with a greater projection of the cheekbones.
2- Orthognathic Surgery
How could we speak of facial harmony in a person with great disproportions in the position and size of their jaws? Impossible!, since their wrinkles, scars or skin defects would always go to the background; and even often unnoticed due to the great relevance that a dentofacial deformity implies.
Orthognathic surgery, also known as jaw surgery, corrects the irregularities of these bones and also the bite, logically to considerably improve the function and facial appearance of the patient.
Orthognathic surgery can be a corrective option if there are skeletal problems that cannot be solved with Orthodontics alone. It is usually indicated after the end of the active growth phase, generally around 14 and 16 years of age in women and between 17 and 21 in men. Correction of mandibular prognathism is also the objective of this surgical branch.
3- Plastic Surgery
Although invasive and much more expensive, plastic surgery is the only permanent solution for cosmetic defects of the body. Remember that all the treatments described above only offer partial and temporary results, and that it is necessary to undergo them on a recurring basis to maximize their benefits.
Plastic surgery is ideal for patients with sagging skin that cannot be corrected with dermal fillers or other conservative approaches. A surgical procedure is indicated for the following:
- Eliminating jowls through a lower facelift.
- Removing loose skin and excess fat from around the neck.
- Correcting very deep folds between the nose and mouth.
- Reducing horizontal wrinkles across the forehead and vertical creases between the eyebrows.
- Reducing bagginess from lower eyelids and removing excess skin from upper eyelids.
In addition, plastic surgery is the only specialty capable of providing a true change in the shape, size and position of ears, nose, lips and eyelids.
Of course, the choice of the best treatment will always depend on your wishes, expectations and possibilities; mainly in relation to your general health and economic capacity. There is no ideal treatment for all cases, and furthermore, aesthetics are very subjective; and only you know your needs and the results capable of guaranteeing your maximum satisfaction.
Talk to your Dentist, let him know what you want and how far you are willing to go, to determine the indication or contraindication of an orofacial harmonization treatment.
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