Table of Contents
It is a reality that millions of people walk through world, even in the most developed countries, without teeth; or in the best of cases, with obsolete and uncomfortable removable dentures that prevent them from biting, chewing, speaking, smiling and living a normal life.
The causes are multiple, but undoubtedly the main one is inaccessibility to dental treatment due to economic factors.
In the United States, for example, most people do not have private health insurance and Dentistry has become prohibitively expensive for most of its citizens and residents, with bills that can reach tens of thousands of dollars for an intervention of routine; and opting for a loan could mean paying high interest for many years.
This has led many people to delay, or even to rule out, their oral rehabilitation; seriously compromising their well-being and quality of life.

– For many purposes, the internet has practically eliminated borders –
But fortunately things have changed in recent times, and the great technological and communicational developments have opened up a range of new opportunities for patients.
Nowadays not only products are exported, but also services, with the only particularity that it is the person and not the merchandise that travels. According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), it is considered an export of health services when the consumer, that is; the patient, moves to another country to receive specialized and quality treatment at a much lower cost.
Globalization and Its Impact on Dental Care
The emergence and development of the internet, emails, social networks and smartphones; the easy and fast access to information, the decrease in the cost of air tickets and the current ease to traveling abroad, have radically revolutionized the phenomena of supply and demand in the dental sector.

– Google: the main web search engine worldwide –
Today, in just a few minutes, you can find out how much a dental implant can cost in Japan, Argentina or Spain, for example; inquire about their best dental clinics, make contacts and request quotes, calculate transportation and accommodation costs, make comparisons and evaluate whether or not it is convenient to travel there to be treated.
Globalization has created a truly international market for patients, and has somehow de-monopolized, to some degree, the private health.
Dental Tourism in the World
The flow of patients and dental tourists is a global phenomenon originating from the five continents of the planet, generally from the richest and most developed nations to those of emerging economies. So much has been its growth in the last decade that many countries have already incorporated the fomentation and promotion of this type of tourism within their state policies.

– Thailand is undoubtedly, the best example of development in the sector –
Thailand is the world’s largest power in health tourism and the main exporter of dental services in the Asian continent. The government’s strong support for the activity, its excellent medical infrastructure, and a billionaire promotional and marketing strategy, capture the attention of millions of people from China, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States; among others.
Hungary and Romania are at the forefront of the old continent, and they absorb a good part of the existing demand in Austria, Germany and other Western European countries.
Mexico, due to its proximity to the United States, is the sector leader in the American continent, receiving around 500,000 patients a year and income of over 1.2 billion dollars.
Dental Tourism in Venezuela

– Dentistry in our country continues to be a great option for Venezuelans residing abroad and citizens of neighboring countries –
Despite the slight growth it has experienced in recent years, it is still an incipient activity in the country, especially if we compare it with the sales volumes handled by the leaders of the sector.
Our complicated political situation, questioned international image, perception of personal insecurity, lack of government support and shortage of clusters and marketing strategies; limit and prevent the true potential of Dentistry in Venezuela from being exploited.
Despite that, it is important to highlight the great efforts that some clinics and prestigious professionals we have made in isolation, and that over the years have allowed us to “internationalize” our practices.
At DENTAL VIP, foreign patients who choose to receive care with our Specialists seek to satisfy their needs in dental implants (42%), veneers and metal-free crowns (27%), teeth whitening and smile design (11%), zygomatic implants (4%) and other treatments (16%).
The vast majority are Venezuelans living in the United States, Canada, Spain, Colombia and other South American countries, foreigners belonging to their social or family circle, and citizens of neighboring countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and the Netherlands Islands.
Huge Savings!
If the price differences were not so great and the amounts of money that can be saved when traveling for dental care were not so important, you would not be reading this article now.

A few thousand dollars is usually the average figure in the vast majority of cases.
Logically, the concept of dental tourism is only applicable in the case of extensive, complex and/or highly specialized treatments. No one wants to spend money on airfare and lodging if they just need a cleaning and two cavities removed, to cite one example.
But if you are looking for dental implants, veneers, crowns, or a full oral rehabilitation procedure; perhaps a differential of between 50% and 70% in your budget, is more than enough stimulus to pack your bags.
Visit the following link if you want to know Why Is Dental Care So Affordable in Venezuela?
While Closer and Known, Better!

– Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development –
According to a recent study performed by the OECD, the geographical location and idiosyncrasy of suppliers are two determining factors when selecting the destination country; especially when there is no link or special relationship with it. According to the survey, 62% of people expressed their refusal to travel more than three hours by plane, and more than 79% their preference for a neighboring or nearby country to receive dental care.
Similarly, the rapport and historical identity among the nations seem to play a protagonic role in the whole process, so much so that 87% of the participants said they were not willing to face a new or unknown culture in this type of travel. However, these are only figures and trends, since reality shows that dental tourism is a global phenomenon that knows no limits or borders.
“Nowadays, Money Is No Longer a Limit and a Simple Trip of a Few Minutes Is All that Separates People From a Perfect Smile”.
How Do I Get Started?
Very easy, contacting us as soon as possible!
If you have already browsed our website, evaluated our professional profile, learned about our facilities and got here; it is very likely that we have increased your interest and confidence in the trip.
After receiving and evaluating your basic diagnostic tests, we will send you a treatment plan and a budget, which will surely exceed your expectations, allowing you to save up to 70% and immediately access a type of service reserved for very few in your country. The difference is almost always of thousands of dollars or its equivalent, and simply, it may be your lifesaver on the journey to your new smile.